Dental Pro oferuje pięć etapów filtracji, które pomagają wyeliminować zanieczyszczenia biurowe, takie jak bakterie, wirusy, LZO, zapachy dezynfekujące i opary rtęci. Łatwo jest poruszać się i czyścić powietrze przez ciągłe recyrkulację w biurze.
Dental Series Air Purifiers: Environmental control for dental offices
Extraoral suction: infection control
IQAir extraoral suction air purification systems provide a line of defense against harmful airborne pathogens and infectious material that can threaten the health and safety of patients and staff. When combined with intraoral suction, IQAir extraoral suction air purifiers right at the patient source can reduce aerosol levels, bacterial colonies, and airborne viral particles from dental procedures to almost zero.
Mercury vapor protection
Provides maximum protection against aerosol particles and mercury vapor with specialized mercury filtration.
100x more filtration for infection control
HyperHEPA filtration in the Dental Series filters 95% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist, including viruses and bacteria.