
IQAir 제공 두바이의 청정 공기 서비스. WhatsApp으로 문의 +971 52 311 9457로 예약하세요 가상 또는 대면 약속을 잡으세요.

Dental Hg FlexVac Cartridges (F2)

Designed for the Dental HG Flex Vac, the professional solution for capturing mercury vapors during dental procedures. Four filter cartridges hold up to 12 lbs. of granular and/or pellet-shaped mercury vapor control media. Each cartridge lasts up to 2 years and 5 months based on recommended use.

Dental Halfcut

Dental Hg FlexVac Cartridges

For protection against aerosol particles and mercury vapor

Dental Series Air Purifiers: Environmental control for dental offices

Extraoral suction: infection control

IQAir extraoral suction air purification systems provide a line of defense against harmful airborne pathogens and infectious material that can threaten the health and safety of patients and staff. When combined with intraoral suction, IQAir extraoral suction air purifiers right at the patient source can reduce aerosol levels, bacterial colonies, and airborne viral particles from dental procedures to almost zero.

Mercury vapor protection

Provides maximum protection against aerosol particles and mercury vapor with specialized mercury filtration.

100x more filtration for infection control

HyperHEPA filtration in the Dental Series filters 95% of all particles down to 0.003 microns – the smallest particles that exist, including viruses and bacteria.

치과용 Hg FlexVac 카트리지(F2) 기술 사양
  • 기술 사양
  • 무게
  • 11파운드(5kg)

  • 미디어
  • 수은을 타겟팅하는 입상 함침 활성탄 카트리지 4개

  • 평균 필터 수명
  • 약 2년 5개월(속도 3에서 하루 평균 10시간 사용 기준)** **

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