3-in-1 교체용 필터 번들 HealthPro 250교체 필터 3개 포함: a PreMax 프리 필터, a V5-셀 가스 및 냄새 필터, 그리고 HyperHEPA 미세 및 초미세 입자 필터.
**참고: 이 번들에 포함된 각 필터의 수명은 다릅니다. PreMax 약 18개월 지속됩니다, HyperHEPA 약 4년 2개월, 그리고 V5 셀의 수명은 약 2년, 유통기한은 2년입니다. 3개의 필터를 동시에 모두 교체할 필요는 없으므로 낭비를 피하기 위해 적절히 계획해 주세요.
This is the Gas and Odor filter for the HealthPro 250 air purifier. The V5-Cell (F2) uses granular activated carbon and a chemical sorbent to trap volatile organic compounds and other harmful chemicals. Media consists of bitumous coal and potassium permanganate chemisorbant (5 lbs.) Average filter life is 2 years (based on average daily usage of 10hr/day on speed 3).
경험하기 HealthPro 250, 탁월한 입자 및 가스상 여과 기능을 제공하도록 설계된 최고의 공기청정기입니다. 알레르기 유발 물질, 먼지, 공기 중 바이러스, 박테리아, 가스, 냄새를 제거하도록 설계되어 철저하고 종합적인 공기 정화를 보장합니다. 민감한 사람, 알레르기 환자, 반려동물 소유자 등 모든 사람에게 적합한 이 고급 공기청정기는 건강한 실내 공기질을 위한 이상적인 솔루션입니다.
This is the HyperHEPA filter for the HealthPro Series air purifiers. The IQAir HyperHEPA filter (F3) traps fine and ultra-fine particles, including bacteria and viruses like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that leads to COVID-19. Media consists of non-woven microfiber, mini-pleated for high-capacity, non-off gassing separators. Filter efficiency: ≥ 99.97% at ≥ 0.003 microns (EN 1822 class H12/13) Surface area: 53 sq.ft. (5.0 m²)***. Average filter life: 4 years and 2 months (based on average daily usage of 10hr/day on speed 3)****
This is the pre-filter for the HealthPro Series air purifiers. This pre-filter (F1) filters of coarse and fine particulate matter and provided pre-filtration for subsequent filters. Media consists of non-woven microfiber, mini-pleated for high-capacity, non-off gassing separators. Efficiency is rated at ≥ 55% at ≥ 0.3 microns (EN 779 class F8). Covers a surface area of 30 sq.ft. (2.8 m²). Average filter life is 18 months (based on average daily usage of 10h on speed 3).
This filter eliminates bacteria, viruses - including bacteria and viruses like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that leads to COVID-19 - and combustion particles from automobiles and smoke, through a nano-fiber structure. Media consists of non-woven glass microfiber, mini-pleated for high-capacity, non-off gassing separators. Average filter life: 4 years and 2 months (based on average daily usage of 10hr/day on speed 3)
This powerful HyperHEPA pre-filter eliminates micro- and nano-particles such as allergens, smoke, bacteria and viruses. Media consists of non-woven glass microfiber, mini-pleated for high-capacity, non-off gassing separators. Average filter life: 18 months (based on average daily usage of 10h on speed 3).
If outdoor air pollution is the source of your poor indoor air quality, the InFlow W125 ducting kit paired with your IQAir air purifier may be the solution. The InFlow W125 will allow your air purifier to draw air through a wall or from outside. In this setup, an IQAir system also serves as a ventilation system, bringing in oxygen-rich outdoor air while removing undesirable outdoor pollutants such as pollen, mold spores, dust and exhaust soot. As a result, fresh and filtered outside air comes into the room.