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HealthPro Series HyperHEPA H12/H13 (L) - Filter 3

This is the HyperHEPA filter for the HealthPro Series air purifiers. The IQAir HyperHEPA filter (F3) traps fine and ultra-fine particles, including bacteria and viruses like SARS-CoV-2, the virus that leads to COVID-19. Media consists of non-woven microfiber, mini-pleated for high-capacity, non-off gassing separators. Filter efficiency: ≥ 99.97% at ≥ 0.003 microns (EN 1822 class H12/13) Surface area: 53 sq.ft. (5.0 m²)***. Average filter life: 4 years and 2 months (based on average daily usage of 10hr/day on speed 3)****


Three phase filtration

PreMax filter captures coarse particulate, The V5 filter traps volatile organic compounds and other harmful chemicals and the HyperHEPA filter removes fine and ultra-fine particles, including bacteria and viruses.

Advanced Filtration

Use only Genuine IQAir replacement filters! Designed for our HealthPro Series Air Purifiers. PreMax pre-filter traps coarse, fine, and micro-particles, including dust & mold spores. the V5 Cell Gas and Odor Control air purifier filter uses granular activated carbon adsorption to trap volatile organic compounds and other harmful chemicals. The HyperHEPA filter traps fine and ultrafine particulate, including bio-contaminants and common allergy triggers like pollen, pet dander, dust, and smoke particles. 

Powerful Protection

Lengthen the life of your filters! Our advanced 3 phase filtration air purifier system starts with the PreMax pre-filter, controlling coarse and fine particulate matter and protecting the more powerful subsequent HyperHEPA and V5 Cell Gas and Odor Control filters. The V5 Cell filters volatile organic compounds (the cause of odors) and other harmful chemicals like formaldehyde. V5 Cell Granular Activated Carbon Adsorption & Pelletized Chemisorption. Activated carbon helps control a wide range of gaseous chemicals. Our patented HyperHEPA medical-grade filtration technology stops at least 99.5% of all particles, down to 0.003 microns, for unequaled protection against fine and ultrafine particles. 

Long Lasting

Replace your air filters less often, unlike the typical air purifier's filter life. The PreMax lasts up to 18 months, IQAir's V5-Cell Gas and Odor Control Filter lasts up to 2 years and the HyperHEPA can last up to 4 years! — when running air purifier system 10 hours per day on speed 3 — so you can breathe easy and worry less. 

HyperHEPA Technology Captures Ultra-Fine Particles with High Efficiency

Spesifikasi Teknis HyperHEPA H12 / H13 (F3)
  • Spesifikasi Teknis
  • Tujuan
  • Menjebak partikel halus dan sangat halus, termasuk bakteri dan virus seperti SARS-CoV-2, virus yang menyebabkan COVID-19.

  • Media
  • Serat mikro kaca non-anyaman, berlipit mini untuk pemisah berkapasitas tinggi dan tidak mengeluarkan gas

  • Efisiensi
  • ≥ 99,97% pada ≥ 0,003 mikron (EN 1822 kelas H12/13)

  • Luas permukaan
  • 53 kaki persegi (5.0 m²)

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